About the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council

The Council's Mission is: "To assist individuals, families, and the community to include all people with developmental disabilities in every aspect of life."

The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC) believes that mission will be achieved when people with developmental disabilities:

  • make informed choices about where they live, work, play and worship;
  • receive individual and family supports which are flexible, based on need, and provided in a culturally sensitive manner;
  • have to opportunity to engage in productive employment and meaningful retirement;
  • experience continued growth toward their full potential;
  • live in homes in the community with the availability of individualized supports;
  • are treated with dignity and respect
  • attend neighborhood schools with their peers in regular classrooms, and
  • are members of powerful advocacy networks make up of individuals and parents and family members.

MODDC also believes that individuals, parents and family members are the most powerful forces in forging a responsive and flexible support network for people with developmental disabilities.

The Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Developmental Disabilities is the administering agency for P.L.106-402, the federal law which mandates the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council. 


About the History of MODDC

For more than 30 years, Developmental Disabilities Councils have played a critical tole at the State and Federal levels in helping all States and Territories develop, improve and expand the system of services and supports for people with developmental disabilities.  Councils were originally designed to study the needs of people with developmental disabilities, not now serve as hey advocates in the DD system.  The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council began as the Missouri Advisory Council on Mental Retardation and Community Mental health Centers with the passage of the Mental Retardation Facilities and Communities Mental Health Centers Construction Act in 1963. Funding was not available until 1970 when federal DD legislation was passed.   Federal Reauthorization of the DD Act in 1987 and again in 2000 brought changes that led to the current Council focus and efforts.  The Missouri Council has remained in state statute, as well as Federal Law since its inception in 1971, but the focus and role have evolved with changes in State Legislation and Executive Orders by several Governors. 

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