Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council Q&A Webinar: Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline (SToPP) Funding Opportunity
June 27, 2022 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
MODDC values a supportive and transparent NoFA process. An informational webinar will be held to address any questions potential grantees may have regarding the project or the NOFA process. This webinar is to ensure that all potential grantees are well informed and all have the same information.
Questions submitted beforehand will be answered during the Q&A webinar. All questions regarding this grant solicitation must be submitted by the deadline noted in the Schedule, in writing via email to moddc@moddcouncil.org in care of Katheryne Staeger-Wilson by Tuesday, June 21, 2022; 1pm, CST.
Q&A Webinar Details:
- Monday, June 27, 2022; 1pm, CST
- Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82236203139
- Zoom Meeting ID: 822 3620 3139
- Zoom Password: 137081
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