Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council Resources Conference Sponsorship Request Form
Policy #3: Financial Assistance for Groups/Organizations Requesting Council Sponsorship/Support of Conferences, Workshops & Trainings
Groups requesting assistance from the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council for conferences, workshops or trainings must provide the following information in their letter of application:
- A brief statement of purpose for the event indicating how the event relates to the philosophy of the Council and the benefits to persons with developmental disabilities, their families and/or the intended audience.
- Assurance that every effort will be made to make all materials and services available to participants in alternative means, as needed, and using People First language.
- A budget for the event including how Council funds will be used and sources of other funding or potential funding. (The Council's preference for its funds is for stipends to allow persons with developmental disabilities and/or families to attend.)
- The date and location of the event and assurance that the facility meets ADA guidelines.
- A statement as to whether childcare, respite, or other family-friendly services will be available if appropriate.
- Assurance that the Council's collaboration will be recognized in the program and/or brochure as appropriate.
- Assurance that the event planners will complete and return a written report on the outcomes within 45 days following the event.
These funding requests are to be voted on by the full council membership. Therefore, groups requesting funding shall submit their request at least 30 days prior to the Missouri DD Council meeting which occurs immediately prior to the event for which funding is being requested. View a list of council meeting dates.
The council reserves the right to request copies of evaluation summaries and comments. Copies of participants' names and addresses may also be requested.
The Missouri DD Council may provide up to $1,000 per request with total funding for all requests not to exceed the amount allocated by the council in their annual budget for such activities. Each requesting organization will be allowed only one successful request during the federal fiscal year (October 1 – September 30). Careful consideration will be given to the population assisted by the event and whether the conference serves a statewide or regional audience.
The Council will provide these guidelines to groups expressing interest or requesting funds. Staff will be responsible for reviewing all requests for the above criteria, seeking clarification of further information, if necessary, and presenting the request to the council. Staff will also be responsible for tracking and follow-up on the required written report and final budget for each event. Delay or non-compliance in completing required reports may result in reduced or denied funding of future requests.
Submit your conference sponsorship request via email to MODDC using the form below or download and mail in the form to:
Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council
P.O. Box 687
Jefferson City, MO 65102
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