Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council Resources Victimization Awareness Campaign
The Arc of the US – MO Chapter, received a grant from the MODDC, to develop an awareness campaign which was launched on Wednesday, October 12, 2016. A website has been developed that provides a wealth of information to include information about the signs of victimization and how to report incidents. That Victimization Campaign, “It’s Happening,” website is: www.andwecanstopit.org. The website will also provide stories from individuals who have experienced victimization. If you visit the site, there is currently a powerful video that was developed describing, Rusty’s story. The information and stories will be built upon.
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) investigates abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable individuals 60 and older and people with disabilities between 18 and 59. These individuals may live in the community or in long-term care facilities. Either way, they are unable to protect their own interests or adequately perform or obtain services necessary to meet their essential human needs (192.2400, RSMo).
Missouri’s Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline responds to reports of abuse, bullying, neglect, and financial exploitation. If you suspect someone is being abused, bullied, neglected or exploited, call the hotline at 800-392-0210. The hotline operates 365 days per year from 7 a.m. to 12 a.m. Hearing-impaired persons may utilize Relay Missouri by calling 800-735-2466. Due to the possible need for mandated reporters to report a concern to the Central Registry Unit (CRU) during the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. (when the hotline is not in operation), a Mandated Reporter Form is available for use. For more information please click the following button.
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