Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council Alternatives to Guardianship
Project Grantee: Hulme Resources
Project Background
Missouri places a lot of people with disabilities in adult guardianships.
One project will provide resources that build self-determination for individuals with I/DD. Adult guardianship does not value staying connected to friends and family. Missouri fails to help adults create plans to avoid court ordered guardianship. This project will work with individuals and families to provide resources. It will make recommendations for systemic changes in Missouri adult guardianship practices.
There's a lack of resources for educational professionals on alternatives to guardianship. This is one reason why a lot of individuals with disabilities are under court ordered guardianships in Missouri. Families share stories where schools ask them to make decisions on guardianship for their child. They often times feeling pressured to become a court appointed guardian when their child turns 18. Yet, there are many alternative to guardianship options. Including but not limited to supported decision-making. Missouri law supports alternatives to guardianship. The second project will develop trainings and resources for school districts.
Project Description
The first project will provide information and resources on alternatives to guardianship. This project will also provide resources related to rights while under guardianship (i.e., voting, driving a vehicle, marriage, etc.). Through the work of this project supported decision-making teams and plans will prioritized. For those wanting to restore their rights it will connect them with legal and court professionals.
The second project will create trainings for school professionals. It will provide training to educators and create 20 trainers across Missouri. Online resources will be created and shared. This project will include students as young as grade school age. The conversation on alternatives to guardianship will start before facing transition age decisions.
Project Lead
Emily Hartley