April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) are disproportionately impacted by all forms of abuse, including sexual assault. According to the U.S. Justice Department, the rate of serious violent crime (rape or sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault) for persons with disabilities is more than three times the rate for persons without disabilities, with 65 percent of crime committed by someone the victim knows and 57 percent occurring during daytime hours.
In April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) and speak to the issues that confront people with I/DD, including how survivors of sexual assault and rape can find it difficult to form close bonds, develop healthy relationships and understand consent.
Download the Abuse Awareness and Prevention Guide
In an effort to prevent sexual assault and other forms of abuse for people with disabilities, the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC) partnered with other organizations to develop the Abuse Awareness and Prevention Guide.
The guide is designed to help people with disabilities and others understand and identify sexual assault and other forms of abuse. The guide provides both tools to help people prevent various forms of abuse and resources for survivors of abuse. Also, a video version of the guide is available.
While the guide was developed with people with disabilities and their supporters in mind, it is important for all Missourians to be aware of this issue so that everyone is involved in the prevention and identification of abuse.
The Abuse Awareness and Prevention Guide and related resources are available online.
The guide was developed in partnership by the Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities; MODDC; and the University of Missouri – Kansas City, Institute for Human Development.
Additional Information
New resource aims to stop abuse among people living with disabilities - 41 Action News - KSHB-TV
Organizations offer guide to help developmentally disabled people identify abuse - News Tribune
Abused and Betrayed - NPR
And We Can Stop It - website with information and resources to help people recognize the signs of abuse and stop it.
Mapping the Missouri Adult Abuse and Neglect Investigation System