Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council Victimization Task Force (VTF)
Project Background
People with disabilities experience abuse at a higher rate than those without disabilities. Systems that should support people with disabilities, can create situations for abuse to happen. People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) often have little to no opportunities for justice to occur.
Project Description
The Victimization Task Force (VTF) has people from agencies and experts from across the state. They address the gaps and barriers for people with I/DD who are survivors of abuse and neglect. There are strong systems in place for children and elders who are survivors of abuse. But, there are few supports for self-advocates navigating this system.. This task force looks at ways to improve these systems.
The Missouri Adult Abuse and Neglect Investigations System (MAANIS): Mapping the Missouri Adult Abuse and Neglect Investigation Systems was created to help self-advocates and those that support them navigate situations of reported abuse.
The Abuse Awareness and Prevention Guide was created to help self-advocates understand and recognize abuse.