Advocacy Update: Ticket to Work and Employment First
Reminder: The Governor has 8 more days to either sign or veto bills that were Truly Agreed and Finally Passed (TAFP).
SB45 and SB106 both contain language about Ticket to Work and Employment First. Both of these bills were TAFP.
Ticket to Work
Ticket to Work legislation improves the ability of people with disabilities to save for retirement, consider marriage, and keep access to personal care assistance services. It creates a disregard for the first $50,000 of a spouse’s income when considering benefits. It also excludes retirement accounts from the asset limit calculations.
Employment First
Employment First legislation, makes Missouri an “Employment First” state. Employment will be a clear option given to people with disabilities who are of working age. It requires that support agencies collaborate and promote opportunities for competitive integrated employment.
If either of these issues are important to you, you can still share your experience and perspective with the Governor’s office.
All bills that were Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed (TAFP) are waiting on the Governor’s signature. The Governor can sign, veto, or do nothing. (If he does nothing, the bill will go into law.)
The Governor has until July 14, 2023 to sign or veto legislation. Bills that are vetoed can be overturned by the Legislature during the September Veto Session.
What you can do:
- If you wish to advocate or educate on any of the TAFP bills, you can contact the Governor’s office to have your voice heard.
- You may contact his office by:
- Sending an email
- Calling 573-751-3222
- Writing or typing a letter and mailing it to:
- P.O. Box 720, Jefferson City, MO 65102