Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council Current Projects
- The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council's (MODDC) mission is to assist individuals, families, and the community to include all people with developmental disabilities (DD) in every aspect of life.
- DD Councils are groups that advocate for change. This change brings more equity to people with developmental disabilities. Each state has a DD Council.
- MODDC is led by and for people with disabilities and their families. The work of the Council is guided by the experiences of individuals and families navigating Missouri systems.
- MODDC works to make processes equal for Missourians with DD and Missourians without DD.
- This is accomplished by funding innovative projects and collaborating with universities, non-profits, and state government agencies.
For a full list of current projects, download our printable PDF: MODDC Project Summary Handout
Disability Benefits 101 (DB101)
Disability Rights Legislative Day
Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline (SToPP)
Emergency Management Disability Awareness Training
Innovative Self-Advocacy for Transition Aged Youth
Supporting Language Access in Schools
Teledentistry (Dental Telehealth)
Victimization Task Force (VTF)
WE CARE (Wellness, Education, Confidence, Assessment, and Recognizing Emergencies)
El Consejo de Discapacidades del Desarrollo de Misuri anuncia una oportunidad de financiación de 20 000 dólares para una innovadora asociación de autosuficiencia
El Consejo de Discapacidades del Desarrollo de Misuri (MODDC) aprobó 20 000 dólares para financiar un proyecto de autosuficiencia de 12 meses de duración para personas con discapacidades intelectuales y…
MODDC announces $20,000 funding opportunity for innovative self-advocacy partnership
The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC) has approved $20,000 to fund a 12-month self-advocacy project for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). The overall goal is to support innovative…
Legislative Update: Employment And Health Assurance
We had a busy week advocating with lawmakers regarding HB 971 on Competitive Integrated Employment and HB 970 on Ticket to Work Health Assurance. MODDC has been providing updates and information on these two…
Legislative Update: MODDC Welcomes Missouri State Treasurer Vivek Malek
Council Chair Animesh Shah, Executive Director Vicky Davidson, and Project Coordinator Leigh Anne Haun attended the swearing-in ceremony of Missouri’s 48th State Treasurer, Vivek Malek. State Treasurer Vivek Malek is tasked…
National Association of Educational Translators and Interpreters of Spoken Languages (NAETISL) awarded $200,000 for Supporting Language Access in Schools
The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC) awarded the National Association of Educational Translators and Interpreters of Spoken Languages (NAETISL) with a $200,000 grant to support language access in schools. “I…
Jan. 6 Legislative Update and Advocacy Training
The 2023 Legislative Session began this week! Now is a great time to start getting to know some of the bills that have been filed by our elected officials. There…
MODDC shares restraint and seclusion recommendations; MO DESE publishes Seclusion and Restraint Data
The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council stresses the importance of Missourians acknowledging that restraint, seclusion and other aversive interventions do not improve students’ academic performance or behavior. Therefore, schools should only…
People with disabilities have the right to receive supports and reasonable accommodations to achieve competitive employment
The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC) believes everyone who identifies work as a goal is employable, with the right opportunities and support. People with disabilities have the right to, and…
Missourians with disabilities encouraged to use online estimator tool, Disability Benefits 101 (DB101), when making employment decisions
The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC) encourages Missourians with disabilities to use the newly designed estimator tool, Disability Benefits 101 (DB101) when making employment decisions. When a person wants to…
The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC) establishes priorities for the 2023 Legislative Session
It is the goal of the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council (MODDC) to advocate for items in the budget and legislation that will further impact these priorities. MODDC will advocate for…