Recording Now Available – Make Informed Employment Decisions with Missouri Disability Benefits 101 (DB101) Online Training

The Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council invites Missourians with disabilities and their supports to learn more about using the online estimator tool, Missouri Disability Benefits 101 (DB101), to make informed employment decisions.

Below is a recording of the training provided on May 24, 2023.

Click here to download the DB101 May training slides.

Click here to view a list of questions and answers from the training.

This training provides tools and resources for self-advocates and caregivers to understand benefit options and make informed employment decisions. 

“The fear of losing benefits is the primary reason that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) do not explore competitive employment,” Stacy Morse, MODDC project coordinator explained, “Fortunately, this free tool shows how it is possible to earn more money in their lifetime, thus reducing reliance on government aide and allowing for an independent life.”

MO DB101

Accurate information on health coverage and disability benefits is a key factor for people with disabilities when making career decisions. Missouri Disability Benefits 101 (DB101) is an online tool that helps navigate through the confusion of Social Security to make informed decisions about career planning. DB101 provides information on employment and career planning, health coverage, and disability benefits all in one place. 

Missourians are encouraged to check out the MO DB101 today at

Meet the Presenter

Nicholas Love is the community inclusion director at the World Institute on Disability (WID). WID advances the inclusion, rights and justice of people with disabilities with the design and delivery of whole community solutions. At WID, Love works to drive policy, system change and provider transformation to reduce inclusion barrier. WID is the creator of Disability Benefits 101 (DB101). Love views educating on employment issues for people with disabilities as part of the fight for disability rights and social justice. Through his two decades in competitive integrated employment, specializing in Social Security disability benefits, he has created and managed several programs/projects to improve economic wellbeing for people with disabilities.